CBCV (Cannabichromevarin)
Cannabichromevarin or CBCV is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. Although the presence of cannabinoids in cannabis was discovered in the 1940s, CBCV was discovered much later in 1975 when it was isolated from the plant by researchers at the University of Nagasaki in Thailand.
Scientific Research:
After its discovery in 1975, there has been no specific research on CBCV regarding its properties or potential benefits. Although there are similarities in the molecular structure of CBC (Cannabichromene) and CBCV, there is a major difference, too. CBC (Cannabichromene) or Cannabichromene is known to have a pentyl chain, while CBCV branches off and has a propyl chain in its molecular structure.
CBCV and Other Cannabinoids:
CBCV is found in lower levels than the prevalent cannabinoids like CBD and THC (delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol). When compared to CBC (Cannabichromene) (Cannabichromene), another cannabinoid, CBCV is found in lower quantities but has a similar and shorter chemical structure. This similarity in structure means that CBCV can have effects similar to CBC with some differences.
Molecular Formula of CBC – C21H30O2
Molecular Formula of CBCV – C19H26O2
Establishing the reasons behind the uniqueness of CBCV, apart from its molecular structure, would not be possible without specific research on the topic. Citing the drastically different effects of the two most common cannabinoids CBD (Cannabidiol) and THC (delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol), the “whole plant” approach of use is advocated as the Entourage Effect comes into action and balances out the effects of each compound.
Possible Benefits:
Due to the lack of research, we cannot be certain of the effects of CBCV on human body, but an educated guess can be made. CBC (Cannabichromene) or Cannabichromene, the molecular relative of CBCV, is known to have anti-viral, anti-depressant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-biotic properties without any psychoactive properties.
In case a future research shows that CBCV has effects similar to CBC (Cannabichromene), it could make the results stronger as found in the case of CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBDV.
Like CBD (Cannabidiol) and CBC there are possibilities of a wider and better medical usage of the CBCV compound, but the facts can only be established by structured and extensive scientific research.