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Pinene Hemp Terpene

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What is Pinene?

Pinene is an aromatic compound called a terpene, which is the reason behind the unique smell of pine trees. It is bicyclic monoterpene found in nature as two structural isomers α-pinene and β-pinene. Apart from pine trees, it can also be found in dill, parsley, rosemary, basil, orange peels, pine needles, turpentine, and conifer trees. It is the most widely found natural terpene and is highly repellant to insects.

Molecular Structure and Biosynthesis:

Pinene occurs in the form of two colorless hydrocarbons α-pinene and β-pinene. Linaloyl pyrophosphate is cyclized with the use of geranyl pyrophosphate. The resultant compound then loses a proton from the carbocation equivalent to form the structural isomers α- and β-pinene.

Molecular Formula of Pinene – C10H16

Potential Benefits:

Anti-Microbial – A 2011 study on “Comparative anti-infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) activity of (-)-pinene: effect on nucleocapsid (N) protein” research may suggest that (-)-α-pinene and (-)-β-pinene possess anti-IBV properties, and therefore are a potential source of anti-IBV ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry.

Anti-Inflammatory – A 2012 study on “Protective effects of α-pinene in mice with cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis” established that α-pinene is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. Similarly, a 2011 study suggests that α-pinene has an anti-inflammatory effect in acute pancreatitis and reduced histological damage in mice.

Bronchodilator – A 2011 study “Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid‐terpenoid entourage effects” showed that α-pinene might be useful as a bronchodilator at low exposure levels that opens up the upper respiratory tract.

Anti-Tumor – A study on the topic “Anti-tumor effect of α-pinene on human hepatoma cell lines through inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest” tested α-pinene from pine needles to demonstrate that liver cancer cell growth was inhibited.

Memory Aid – Led by researcher Perry NS and published in 2000, “In-vitro inhibition of human erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase by Salvia lavandulaefolia essential oil and constituent terpenes.” concluded that α-pinene from Spanish Sage essential oil synergistically worked with other constituents of the oil as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor showing promise as a memory aid.

As research shows, pinene clearly has some powerful and unique properties. Additional research and clinical study is clearly needed to fully understand the role that pinene may play and whether it becomes a viable component in pharmacological use toward the enhancement of memory, inflammation reduction, improved breathing, reduced pain, and infections caused by bacteria and viruses.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: The presentation of this research is for informational purposes only about the promising research surrounding these individual elements of nature. In no way are any suggestions or conclusions to be drawn regarding any product available on this site, which may contain this individual element of nature, to be considered as a form of treatment for any disease or condition commonly treated by the medical community. None of these products in whole have been tested in clinical trials for acceptance to be used in such applications. Further, this research and the researchers' findings about individual components commonly found in hemp and it's extracts should not be construed as descriptive nor conclusive of the effects that this individual element of nature may exhibit in the entourage effect or when present in combination with other elements of nature such as other terpenes, cannabinoids, or other co-factors.